- Brief Presentation of the NCSS Programme
The NCSS start edits cooperation in 2008 with Public Prosecutors, Military/Air Force/Naval Courts and receives referrals for persons who consent to following the Special Counselling-Therapy Programme of the Organisation in Attiki and Thessaloniki.
The Programme is addressed to persons that have been violent towards members of their family and offers counselling and therapy to the domestic violence offenders.
Aimof the programme is the victim’s support and changing the offender’s behavior regarding the domestic violence. The main goals are:
- Changing the perceptions regarding violence
- Changing the perceptions regarding power and control
- Anger management
- Development of social skills/communication skills
- Training regarding gender issues
- Prevention of future violent acts
The completion of the Programme is determined based upon the completion of the aforementioned goals.
- Legal Framework
- Law 3500/2006 (GG 232Α΄/24-10-2006)
For combatting domestic violence and other provisions
The Special Counselling -Therapeutic Programme is applied in the framework of Penal Mediation as stated by L. 3500/2006 (GG 232Α΄/2006), chapter. D΄.
«Prerequisite for the process of penal mediation is the unreserved statement by the person who is accused of the crime, that he/she is cumulatively willing to:
a)Promise that he/she will not commit in the future any domestic violence act (word of honour) and that, in the case of co-habitation, accepts to live elsewhere for a reasonable period, if suggested by the victim.For this promise a report is written based on article 148 and the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
b) Attend a Special Counselling -Therapy Programme for combatting domestic violence in a public actor, in any location and time frame deemed necessary by the competent therapists. The manager of the programme certifies its completion. The relevant certificate is attached to the court case file. It contains in detail, the subject of theCounselling – Therapy Programme and the number of sessions that the person had.
c) To lift or to restore, if possible, all the damaged caused by the act and pay are a son able compensation to the victim. (Article 11)
II. Law 4531/ 2018 (GG 62 Α΄/ 5-4-2018)
Ratification of the European Council for the Prevention and Combat on Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and adjustment of the Greek legislation (GG62Α΄/ 2018)
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is the programme mandatory?
After the relevant order of the public prosecutor has been issued, the offenders are informed by the Public Prosecutor about the Special NCSS Advisory-Therapy Programme and are obliged to communicate with the Organisation, in order to file an application.
- What is the Programme’s Duration?
The sessions take place with a psychologist and the number of sessions depends on the case. The sessions may be weekly or less often(if there are difficulties, mainly due to the work obligations of the offender). It is important to know that this is not a cooperation with a Public Prosecutor or Judge, and it gives you the chance to work on any other issues you have at the moment in a therapeutic process.
- Where do the sessions take place?
In one of the two NCSS Social Support Centers in Athens and Thessaloniki, depending on the place of residence and the referring Public Prosecutor.
- What documents are needed for inclusion in the Programme?
Filing out the inclusion application (hyperlink) and submitting it to the NCSS along with a copy of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
- If I don’t follow it, what will be the consequences?
If the Programme is not followed or stopped, the NCSS will not issue a completion certificate. The competent Public Prosecutor is responsible for the continuation of the legal procedure.
Programme’s application form (in pdf and word)
Contact information
Social Support Centrein AMPELOKIPI
Τel: 2132039706/ -773
Social Support Centrein FINIKA THESSALONIKI
Τel:2313 313930
Information for the victims
The domestic violence victim can call“100”or communicate with the nearest police departmentor the competent Public Prosecutor’s Office.
Alternatively,he/she may call the GSFPGE Helpline“15900” or the NCSS urgent social help Helpline “197”, or send an e-mail to:
These lines operate 24/7 and are staffed with specialists(psychologists and social workers), providing psychological and social support.
Information for the offenders
The domestic violence of fender may contact the NCSS urgent social Helpline «197» or the Social Support Centers (SSC) of the National Center of Social Solidarity.
Articles, Studies
Article published in the scientific journal “Metalogos” Issue 33, 2018 entitled“A systemic intervention for combatting domestic violence in penal mediation”
Article published in the scientificjournal“New Health”, 2020 entitled“Counselling -Therapy Programme for combatting domestic violence in the framework of Penal Mediation: The National Centre of Social Solidarity experience (NCSS)”
News (events, press releases, trainings etc.)
The NCSS in cooperation with the LLLC of Thessaloniki has been organizing since 2018 training seminars entitled: «Basic principles for combatting violence against women».This Programme is addressed to health professionals, social scientists, educators, police officers and other public servants. Intotal, 200 professionals have been trained to date.
In the programme there is a special mention to the domestic violence of fender(profile, specific characteristics, methods and intervention techniques).
Furthermore, since 2019, in cooperation with other actors that have similar advisory programmes (e.g.,Municipalities) th