

The basic legislation concerning the crime of trafficking in human beings, the protection of its victims and the operation of Coreper are listed (not exhaustively).


Combating Human Trafficking, Crimes Against Sexual Freedom, Juvenile Pornography and Sexual Exploitation in general and Assisting the Victims of These Acts

(see for amendments Law 3875/2010 and Article 16 of Law 4267/2014)

Protection and assistance to the victims of the crimes of articles 323,323A, 349,351 and 351A of the Penal Code, according to article 12 of law 3064/2002 (Government Gazette A '248)

(see for amendments Law 3875/2010 and articles 60 et seq. Law 4331/2015)

Compensation to victims of intentional violent crimes (Harmonization of Greek law with Council Directive 2004/80 / EC of the European Union of 29 April 2004) and other provisions

(See for amendments article 54 L. 4689/2020 and art. 4 L. 4531/2018)

Ratification and implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its three Protocols and related provisions.

Prevention and fight against trafficking in human beings and protection of its victims and other provisions.

(see for amendments article 479 L. 4781/2021 and article 48 par. 2 L. 4280/2014. For the operation GETHEIS see no. 76-79 L. 4781/2021)

Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.

Immigration and Social Integration Code and other provisions.

see especially no. 1 par. 1 par. K 'and articles 19A and 49 to 56

(see for modification of art. 1 par. 1 per. k) Law 4666/2020, for the addition of art. 19A the no. 8 par. 25 L. 4332/2015 and further amendments of art. 19A with Law 4546/2018 and Law 4686/2020)

Combating child sexual abuse and exploitation and child pornography and other provisions.

Establishment and Operation of the National System for the Identification and Referral of Victims of Human Trafficking.

(…) IV) Implementation of Directive 2012/29 / EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220 / JHA and other provisions.

(see for amendments to PART IV, article 164 Chapter AD Law 4635/2019)

  • Penal Code (ratified by Law 4619/2019 and valid from 1/7/2019)

See in particular Articles 8, 323A, 339 (seduction of children and extortion in the presence of a third party sexual intercourse), 342 (abuse of minors in incest), 348 (including sex tourism with child victims), 348A (pornography of minors), 348B children for sexual reasons), 348C (pornography of minors), 348D, 349 (pimping of minors) and 351A (abuse of a minor in indecency for pay).

(attention to art. 463 par. 1 of P.K. which stipulates:

"Where special laws refer to articles of the repealed Penal Code, these references from the entry into force of this Penal Code" - ie from 1 July 2019 - "are considered to be made in the corresponding provisions thereof.")