President's Office

E-mail :

The NCSS’s President's Office is responsible for supporting the President’s and the Board of Directors’ work, gathering all the necessary information, dealing with mail, secretarial work and most importantly ensuring their communication with the services and the public.

Legal Office: Vasiliki Vlassi


The Legal Office is accountable to the NCSS’s President and is responsible for:

a) the NCSS’s legal and extra-judicial representation.

b) delivering opinions on issues stated by the Board of Directors, the President and the NCSS’s Divisions.

c) handling legal issues regarding the NCSS, given by the Board of Directors or the President.





General Division of Services 

Deputy Head of General Division of Services: Konstantina Angelopoulou


The aim of the General Division of Services is the planning, monitoring, evaluation of policies in the fields of welfare of social solidarity.

The below units are incorporated into the General Division of Services:

  • Coordination and Organisation Division
  • Social Intervention Division
  • Directorate of Administrative Support 
  • Finances Division 
  • Child Protection Division
  • NCSS Thessaloniki division
  • Attica Shelter and Social Support Center
  • Karea Shelter and Social Support Centre
  • Ag.I.Rentis Shelter and Social Support Centre

Deputy Head of Administrative Support & e-Government: Konstantina Angelopoulou


The operational goal of the Directorate of Administrative Support and e-Government is the smooth operation of the services of EKKA. by effectively using all its available resources, the efficient management of all its infrastructure, movable and immovable property and the promotion of new e-government applications to support its services.



Head of Personnel Department: Konstantina Angelopoulou


The Personnel Department has the following responsibilities:

  • The handling of all issues concerning the general service status of all nature and employment relationship of staff of Ε.Κ.Κ.Α.
  • The submission of reports and questions to supervisory bodies on issues of all kinds of personnel of the body, in accordance with the current legislation.
  • The suggestion for issues of organization and operation of the organic units of EKKA in accordance with the applicable provisions.
  • Keeping records of the official status of the staff of the institution.
  • The planning of the coverage of needs in human resources by category, branch and specialty.
  • The formation of all kinds of committees - working groups for the smooth operation of the organization and the fulfillment of its objectives as well as the appointment of representatives to participate in councils, committees and working groups in Greece, the European Union and International Organizations.
  • The care for the formation of the collective bodies of the body according to the current legislation.
  • Monitoring the faithful observance of staff working hours. a) The care for the granting of all kinds of licenses to the staff, the approval of overtime or night work and work on Sundays and public holidays of the staff.
  • Compliance with the central and confidential protocol of the service.
  • The certification of the accuracy of the copies and photocopies as well as the genuine signature of the citizens and the staff of EKKA
  • The maintenance of the Registers and the Lists of third parties related to issues of all kinds of personnel of the institution in accordance with the current legislation.
  • The keeping of the Register of insured persons of law 103/1975 (A '167) and the monitoring of the normal payment of the reservations in its favor.



Deputy Head of Department: Sotirios Sideris

E mail: 

 The Department of Informatics  has the following responsibilities:

  • Is responsible for filing, analysing, planning, composing and implementing all the necessary software, as well as evaluating and installing new applications.
  • Keeping informatics applications files, based on international standards.
  • Checking the accuracy and effectiveness of the informatics applications.
  • Caring for the upkeep and updating of the informatics applications.
  • Specifying the informatics needs of the NCSS’s services (equipment and software).
  • Caring for the upkeep, operation and security of the NCSS’s services’ informatics equipment.



Deputy Head of  Finances: Sofia Kaziani


The goals of the  Finances Division are the smooth operation of the NCSS’ s services and the effective coordination of the financial services according to the standards of sound financial management, transparency, responsibility, accountability and honesty. More specifically, the Division aims at a) the sound budget outturn of the NCSS within its limit and the goals of the middle-term Financial Strategy Programme and b) the immediate payment of the NCSS’ s responsibilities. Moreover, it is responsible for the smooth operation of the Organization’s services by effectively using all the available funds and the efficient handling of all the structures, the chattel and property of the NCSS.

The Administration and Finances Division comprises of the following units:

a) Department of  Payroll

b) Department of Budget and Outturn

c) Department of Supplies and Technical Support


2. The responsibilities of the Departments of the Administration and Finances Division are the following:

α) Department of  Payroll.

Head of the Department: Sofia Kaziani



  • Handles all the issues regarding the status and salary changes of all NCSS personnel, and more specifically regarding procedures of recruitment , placement, work assessment, salaries and issuing benefits.
  • Is responsible for overtime, night shifts, Sunday shifts and holidays.
  • Keeps the confidential record.
  • Is responsible for regular payments and bonuses, one-off and pension allowances.
  • Communicates with the Department checking and validating all the competent expenditures.
  • Keeps the record of those insured under law 103/1975 and monitors its payments.
  • Submits the monthly reports to the Unitary Payment Authority application of all the relevant orders.


b) Department of Budget and Outturn

Head of the Department: Persina Tavridou



  • Compiles the NCSS’ s budget and submits it to be approved by the Board of Directors and monitors its execution.
  • Compiles the NCSS’ s annual report and balance sheet.
  • Is responsible for assigning credit to departmental services per expenditure code, according to the Board of Directors’ decisions.
  • Is responsible for collecting income and depositing in the treasury bank account.
  • Monitors bank account statements.
  • Keeps the account books according to law.
  • The authorization of expenditure payments, within the monthly limits and issuing orders within the term stated by the union and national regulatory framework.
  • Compiling a report on disagreements with the authorizing officer during the legality and regularity control of expenditures and submitting it to the Directorate of Coordination and Application of Finance Law, with a notification to the Directorate-General of Finance Control of the General Accounting Office of the State, according to art.26 par.1 of law 4270/2014.
  • Handling pre-payment orders.
  • Issuing offsetting orders (regular and pre-payment) for the expenditures deriving from the Public Investments Programme via public transaction, as well as issuing other offsetting orders where applicable. Filing data for all the expenditure beneficiaries and keeping a record.
  • Communicating with the competent Financial Authority of Supervision and Control (FASC) for any court order regarding the Organization’s budget.
  • Compiling the draft decision for the assumption of liabilities, following a documented enquiry by the authorising officer and filing the commitments in the account books and the commitments record.
  • Monitoring the observance of the relevant commitment laws and issuing certificates on the drafts for the credit and ensuring there is no overrun on the assigned credit percentage.
  • Compiling reports for the competent SCFA according to par.3d, art.66, law 4270/2014 and the Presidential Decree on commitments.
  • Issuing credit orders for secondary authorising officers.
  • Keeping account books as stated by law and the Commitments Registry.
  • Confirming all recruitments, integration, transfers, secondments and promotions of all personnel for the necessary budgetary changes.
  • Issuing orders to the claims assessors for the garnishment of account managers that delay statements, as well as issuing a proposal for the Head of the Court of Audit for the apportionment of the failing manager, as stated by law.
  • Monitoring on a monthly basis the separate list of the account books’ registrations for each secondary authorising officer.
  • Is responsible for all payments according to the governmental and public entities accounting.
  • Pays the state and the insurance funds, all the third party deductions and submits the relevant name lists.
  • Is responsible for the offsettings and payments to the state and the insurance funds of the charges stated on the fiscal and insurance slips.
  • Informs the beneficiaries and the authorities on the issuance of payment orders.
  • Registers the foreclosures and conveyances.


c) Department of Supplies and Technical Support

Deputy Head of the Department: Xanthi Kolovadi



  • Is responsible for scheduling any engineering works, planning the construction of new buildings, the existing properties’ extensions, improvements and renovations, as well as maintenance and repair works on the NCSS building and electro-mechanical equipment.
  • Monitors, checks and supervises the construction of buildings as well as the maintenance and repair of the NCSS building and electro-mechanical equipment.
  • Is responsible for assigning contractors, according to law.
  • Is responsible for the inclusion of works in the public investments scheme.
  • Is responsible for the delivery and receipt of NCSS properties.
  • Is responsible for all the NCSS’ s properties technical files. Is responsible for the maintenance, supplies and function of all NCSS cars, keeps a record for each car with all the documents as well as the daily chart.
  • Cooperates with the Department of Social Intervention, which approves and signs the orders of movement of all the NCSS cars.
  • Is responsible for the inclusion of works, except the technical ones, into the public investments scheme and EU programmes.
  • Monitors the secondary units.
  • Researches the possible capitalization of all NCSS property.
  • Is responsible for renting buildings for the NCSS services and renting out NCSS owned property.
  • Schedules the supply of any type of materials, equipment, vehicles and other for the NCSS’ services needs, encodes and includes them in the unified supply scheme of the Ministry of Development. Handles the funds issued by special accounts and the special Public Lottery.
  • Carries out the necessary procedures stated by law to contract suppliers or services.
  • Organizes the procurement of supplies or services, as well as renting or renting out own properties.
  • Registers all NCSS equipment, consumable and non-consumable, as well as any piece of property.
  • Monitors the incoming of all supplies, as well as their disposal to NCSS services.
  • Is responsible for the selling or destruction of unusable material.
  • Is responsible for the expenses of the Crisis Taskforce (Team of Urgent Intervention) in times of natural disasters, accidents or any other crisis afflicting a great number of persons, by issuing pre-payment orders, according to public accounting law.
  • Submits requests to the Department checking and validating payments for operational expenses.
  • The preparation of a program for the execution of technical works, the elaboration of studies for the construction of new buildings, studies for the expansion, improvement and renovation of real estate, as well as the repair and maintenance of the building facilities and the electromechanical equipment of the institution.
  • The monitoring, control and supervision of the construction works of the buildings as well as of the repair and maintenance works of the building installations and the electromechanical equipment.
    The suggestion of the execution of technical projects and the care for their inclusion in the public investment program.
  • The cooperation with the Procurement Department for the execution of the necessary procedures, in accordance with the current legislation, for the assignment of projects to contractors.
  • The care for the receipt and delivery of the real estate of E.K.K.A.
  • The responsibility of keeping the technical files of the real estate of E.K.K.A.
  • The supervision of the maintenance, supply and operation of the cars, the maintenance of a Register for each car with all the documents, as well as a daily traffic report of its cars.
  • The cooperation with the Procurement Department for the submission of proposals and technical studies for the utilization of the movable and immovable property of E.K.K.A.
  • The cooperation with the Directorates of Ε.Κ.Κ.Α. for the approval of the expediency of movement and the signing of the order of course of his cars.


d) Expense Clearance Department

Deputy Head of the Department: Eleni Gousi


  • Checks the legality and regularity, as well as the expenditure validation based on the supporting documents.

Deputy Head of Social Intervention Division: Vicky- Eleni Chatzigalini


The Social Intervention Division, according to the Organization Chart of the National Centre of Social Solidarity (PD 22/2006) is aiming at providing immediate counselling on an individual, group and community level. Its mandate is to provide short-term psychological support to individuals, couples, families and population groups, to inform on services and social care programs and welfare rights, to provide short-term accommodation and respond to cover basic needs of accommodation, food and clothing and, if necessary, with on-site intervention where there is a report of a problem needing urgent social intervention. The Directorate develops a cooperation network with other actors and services for urgent case management, coordinates and implements social solidarity and volunteering programs, for managing emergency cases, plans and specializes in immediate social intervention methods, as well as planning and offering specialized services per target group or field.





Head of the Department of Crisis Intervention: Despina Gounari


The Crisis Intervention Department has the following responsibilities (Article 9- PD 22/2006):

  • Composes and mobilizes intervention teams of emergency response, comprised mainly by psychologists and social workers, for providing psychosocial support in cases of natural disasters (like earthquakes, floods, fires), accidents, sinkings, industrial-chemical accidents with a high number of fatalities, as well as in any crisis where mobilization is needed.
  • Is responsible for cooperating and connecting with the General Secretariat of Civil Protection as it is responsible for the general coordination of disaster management.
  • Compiles, through simulation, disaster scenarios, for which crisis intervention protocols are applied and sends the results to the Divisions of Social Intervention and of Coordination and Organisation.
  • Is responsible for networking with welfare actors on a local level, aiming at their participation in natural disaster cases or accidents with a great number of fatalities.
  • Plans and carries out educational/training seminars regarding crisis intervention issues for the professionals of the Emergency Intervention Teams, in cooperation with the competent actors.
  • Compiles the annual stand-by program of the Intervention Teams of Emergency Response. 



Head of the Helpline for Immediate Social Help: Chatzigalini Vicky-Eleni


The Department of Immediate Social Helpline has the following responsibilities (Article 9- PD 22/2006):

  • Receives requests of emergency social help.
  • Mobilizes the On-Site Intervention Service.
  • Mobilizes other NCSS Services for managing social cases.
  • Refers cases to social or other services for further support.
  • Offers counselling and psychological support.
  • Operates as a mechanism of social needs detection, via the special 3-digit number («197») for adults and 4-digit number («1107») for children.


The Department operates 24/7 throughout the week.

The call from a landline or mobile phone to the Emergency Social Helpline«197» is free.


Based on the JMD no. 49540/4-5-2011 (GG 877/B/17-5-2011) the National Child Protection Helpline was established for the psychological and social support of minors, within the framework of the urgent social need helpline of the National Center for Social Solidarity (NCSS).

The responsibilities of the National Child Protection Helpline are the following:

  • Offers advice, psychological and social support to minors and their parents that face problems or need help.
  • Offers immediate information to minors on their issues and to their parents on upbringing and children protection issues, connects or refers them to the competent Social Protection services.
  • Receives enquiries and complaints for social care and protection of minors that face danger (due to abuse, neglect, trafficking, exploitation or victimisation, or are unaccompanied or separated children), face crisis or are entangled in criminal acts.
  • Cooperates with the competent judicial or other authorities for the immediate social protection of minors at risk and the underage offenders, as well as combatting the crisis they experience.
  • Mobilises the NCSS on-site social intervention service for providing social help to minors.
  • Cooperates with public actors to provide social care and protection services on a regional and local level and asks for social reports on minors’ living conditions and risk assessment after an enquiry, complaint or judicial order.
  • Cooperates with public and private actors of protection for the immediate assistance to social care and protection issues of minors and support of their families.


The National Child Protection Helpline «1107» operates 24/7 throughout the week.

The call from a landline or mobile phone to the National Children Protection Helpline «1107» is free or per the caller’s company price catalogue.



Head of the Department of SSC and Short-term Accommodation Shelters: Evangelia Pappa


The Department of Social Support Centers and Short-term Accommodation Shelters has the following responsibilities (Article 9- PD 22/2006):


  • Compiles the operational standards for the Social Support Centers (SSC) and proposes to the Board of Directors any changes and amendments.
  • Is responsible for following the operating terms, regarding the intervention’s scope.
  • Supervises, coordinates and controls the work of the Social Support Centers, which carry out projects of prevention for psychosocial problems and intervene in crisis situations.
  • Supervises, coordinates and controls the work of the short-term accommodation shelters.
  • Proposes to the Board of Directors Cooperation Agreements with actors of the National Social Care System, as well as with any other public or private law entity, non-profit or non-governmental organization (NGO) that carry out similar projects as those of the NCSS.
  • Monitors and assesses the Cooperation Agreements carried out between the NCSS and other actors, regarding the operation of shelters.
  • Is responsible for the operation of the Social Support Center in Pireas, which is part of the Department.


Operational Coordination Service for Children Protection Projects

Based on the JMD- no 49540/04-05-2011, article 3 the NCSS keeps the National Children Protection Registry. Based on a decision by the NCSS Board of Directors an Operational Coordination Service for Children Protection Projects was established and is administratively part of the department, since there was no similar service in the NCSS.


Supportive children protection projects that based on the institutional framework are the Actor’s responsibility:

  • Keeping the National Children Protection Registries (Law 4538/2018)
  • Building and operating the electronic platform: (Law 4538/2018)
  • Coordination and support of the Network of Minors’ Protection Teams (NMP) of the Municipalities.



Head of the Department of Reception, On-site Intervention and SSC of Ampelokipi: Theodora Gianni



The Department of Reception, On-site Intervention and Social Support Center of Ampelokipi has the following responsibilities (Article 9- PD 22/2006):


  • Offers psychosocial services to citizens referred by the Helplines, other NCSS services or other Actors, or those who apply themselves for psychosocial support.
  • Offers counselling and social support services to those facing a psychosocial crisis.
  • Offers emergency short-term accommodation to single women or mothers with children who need immediate protection and accommodation.
  • The Social Support Center of Ampelokipi offers psychosocial support, as well as information on welfare and social solidarity issues, to individuals belonging to vulnerable population groups.
  • Manages the National Referral Mechanism for the Protection of Human Trafficking Victims (JMD no. 30840/ 2016), which supervises and coordinates the Office of the National Rapporteur on Combating Human Trafficking (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).







Deputy Head of the Department: Paraskevi Korovila



The Department of the Shelter in Kareas hast he following responsibilities:


  • It offers temporary accommodation to adult self-reliant persons, two or single-parent families, patients who have been released from hospital and their escorts from rural areas. The beneficiaries face an immediate accommodation problem due to lack of financial resources (unemployment-waiting for pension approval etc.), lack of access to social resources, lack of a supportive environment.


Services provided:

  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Personal hygiene supplies
  • Counselling, psychosocial support
  • Individual action plan for the transition to an independent living
  • Information on welfare, social solidarity issues etc.
  • Referral, Networking, Mediation to services and actors
  • Cooperation with social, health and judicial authorities
  • Counselling on health issues
  • Operation of the Shelter as a field practice Organisation for Social Work and Psychology Students




Head of the Department: Maria Taslakidou



The AG.I.Rentis shelter is part of the NCSS general operational framework and provides:

  • Temporary accommodation to adult self-reliant persons, couples, two or single-parent families, patients who have been released from hospital and their escorts from rural areas. The beneficiaries face an immediate accommodation problem due to lack of financial resources (unemployment-waiting for pension approval etc.), lack of access to social resources, lack of a supportive environment.


Services provided:


  • Accommodation
  • Food –as provided by a decision of the NCSS Board of Directors
  • Personal hygiene supplies
  • Counselling, psychosocial support
  • Individual action plan for the transition to an independent living
  • Information on welfare, social solidarity issues etc.
  • Referral, Networking, Mediation to services and actors
  • Cooperation with social, health and judicial authorities
  • Counselling on health issues




Head of the Department: Pagona Zamouridou



  • The Shelter is an essention protective measure for women facing immediate and increased danger for their safety and, at times, their life, due to the violence and threats they face, women with or without their children-victims of violence (domestic, trafficking), offering them security and support in a period of high vulnerability and generally in times of crisis, as well as secure accommodation, since they do not have access to financial or social resources, and/or a supportive environment.


Services provided:

  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Personal hygiene supplies
  • Counselling (psychosocial and for job searching) and psychosocial support
  • Individualised action plan for the transition to an independent living
  • Referral, Networking, Mediation to services and actors
  • Cooperation with social, health and judicial authorities
  • Counselling on health issues
  • Creative activities programme for Babies and Toddlers
  • Support and empowerment of the women in their parental role
  • Tutoring program for children of school age and Greek lessons
  • Cooperation with the local schools for monitoring the students’ progress.


Head of Coordination and Organisation Division: Anastassia Aktipi


The Coordination and Planning Division based on the Organizational Chart of the National Centre of Social Solidarity (PD 22/2006) and through the 3 Departments it consists of, is responsible for examining, planning and implementing, based upon the Board of Directors decisions, means and methods, so that the organisation and operation of the NCSS will be constantly developing, through the evaluation and implementing of pioneering actions.

More specifically, it is responsible for evaluating the Departments’ work, the scientific documentation for supporting the NCSS’ s activities and pioneering actions, planning the NCSS’ internal organization and the digitalisation of its services, the implementation of social policy programs, formulation of opinions on the certification of private non-profit social protection NGOs, carrying out studies on the effective handling of social needs, developing cooperations on a regional, national andeuropean level, networking with similar public and private actors, as well as non-governmental organizations, co-organising actions with competent actors and organizations, implementation of european programs and handling of co-funded works, the promotion of the NCSS’ s work, organizing a network of volunteers and sponsors and finally providing training by organizing seminars through its certified Training Centersin Athens and Thessaloniki.




 Head of the Department of Research, Development and Training: Anastasia Aktipi


The Department of Research, Development and Training is responsible for:

  • Implementing european programs and handling co-funded works, for the purposes of the NCSS.
  • training the NCSS professionals.
  • organizing seminars, through its certified Training Centersfor professionals in the field of welfare, as well as vulnerable social groups.
  • scientific documentation for supporting the NCSS’ s work and organizing pioneering actions.
  • planning the organization of the NCSS’ s structures and the digitalization of its services.
  • proposing programs and measures of social policy, as well as optimizing the NCSS operation.
  • carrying out studies for the effective handling of social needs.
  • developing cooperations on a regional, national andeuropean level.
  • co-organizing actions with competent organizations.



Head of the Department of Evaluation: Ioanna Georgouli



The Department of Evaluation is responsible for:

  • Monitoring and evaluating the work of the NCSS’ s units.
  • Composing the annual evaluating reports for the work of the NCSS’ s units.
  • Delivering opinions for the certification of private non-profit social care Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). The documented opinions are provided to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MLSA).



Head of the Department of Public Relations and Communication: Theodora Meramvelliotaki



The Department of Public Relations and Communication has the following responsibilities:

  • Informs the citizens on the NCSS responsibilities and promoting its work. Composing and publishing brochures and other material to inform the public on the NCSS’ s responsibilities and actions.
  • Examines complaints and reports submitted by citizens, and responds to them.
  • Documents and handles networking with other similar agencies and organizations. Develops cooperations with other public and private agencies and organizations, as well as NGOs, whose operations are similar to those of the NCSS.
  • Organizes and coordinates volunteer networks.
  • Searches for, attracts and cooperates with sponsors, representing the interests and the purposes of the NCSS.

Deputy Head of the Child Protection Division: Doukakou Maria 


The operational objective of the Directorate for Child Protection is:
a) The care for the provision of organized social services in matters of child protection and in particular in matters of adoption and adoption.
b) The observance of the correspondences provided for the Registers of minors, of adoptions, of foster care.
c) Cooperation with the competent national, EU and international authorities and child protection bodies in the exercise of its responsibilities.
d) The elaboration of the National Action Plan ΄΄ Guarantee for Children΄΄ (ie, the recording of children in need and of institutions at local, regional and national level that provide services to children, the identification of children deprived of access to services, the recording of actions for the protection of children, etc.)
Identification of children deprived of access to services.
e) The research and monitoring of the implementation of the National Action Plan ΄΄ Guarantee for Children΄΄.

The Child Protection Division  comprises of the following Departments:

Foster – Adoption Department.

Deputy Head of the Department: Panagiota Manthou



The Department of Foster Care/Adoptions of the Directorate of Child Protection of EKKA, was established in June 2021, (Law: ΠΔ41/2021).

The Department is, in essence, the continuation of the Operational Coordinating Service for Children Protection Projects that was established on June 26, 2012, as the subject is still the same, ie the handling and operating of the National Registers, within the framework of Law. 4538/2018 and the coordination of actions and services in the field of child protection in our country.

More specifically, the responsibilities of the Department are related to:

Planning and developing the IT system, on which the foster and adoption registries are kept (Law. 4538/2018, Α’85)


The Service has the institutional duty for the planning and developing the IT System , on which the foster and adoption registries are kept Law. 4538/2018 (Α’85). The platform implements the institutional provisions «on fostering and adoption» and was created to help those who want to offer a family to children in need:

  • Respecting the individual needs of every child, as well as the abilities and wishes of each family.
  • Ensuring the protection of the children and families’ personal data, speed and equality.
  • With the aid and supervision of the state’s competent authorities.
  • for more information you can click on the link

Handling and operating the following National Registries within the framework of Law. 4538/2018 and the operation of the IT System


  • National Minors’ Registry, for the obligatory registration of all the minors that are placed in children protection and care units, as well as the minors who remain, in a hospital unit, following a public prosecutor’s decision, awaiting the order for their placement in a protected and safe environment. The aim is to have the appropriate national data, as well as making the family placement of the minors faster, as well as avoid long-term institualization.
  • National Registry of Candidate Adoptive Parents, on which all candidate parents are registered following a positive social assessment by the supervising actor’s social service and have successfully completed the relevant training program.
  • National Registry of Candidate Foster Parents, on which all candidate parents are registered following a positive social assessment by the supervising actor’s social service and furthermore, have successfully completed the relevant training program.
  • The aim of the interconnected registers is the uniform implementation of transparent procedures for connecting minors and prospective parents, in terms of the equal treatment of all prospective parents, aiming faster recovery, for the benefit of minors.
  • National Adoption Registries, on which all the adoptions are registered.
  • National Registry of Approved Fosterings on which all the fostering’s taking place in the country are kept.

In order to keep the aforementioned files and the implementation of all procedures, the NCSS cooperates with all the competent Actors, e.g. Social Welfare Centers, Regions/Regional Units, Children Protection Structures etc.

More specifically, the NCSS:

  • Compiles and sends to the competent Ministry standardized documents regarding the submission of data on
  • Offers information and direction, by phone or email to Actors’ members, sending detailed instructions and screenshots, for all the steps needed for the IT systems’ implementation.
  • Offers information, directions and counselling to citizens (by phone and e-mail) for issues regarding the progress of their enquiries on, as well as their cooperation with the local competent Actors
  • Compiles and sends to the competent Ministry statistical data
  • Organizes training meetings with executives of the competent Actors
  • Participates in working meetings with the Ministry and sends proposals for the drafting of institutional texts, instructions to professionals, national plans related to sponsorship, adoption, deinstitutionalization, etc.
  • Participates in seminars/conventions etc.
  • Participates in Working Groups aiming at deinstitutionalization actions.
  • Collects, quarterly, from the supervisory bodies, the planning of the training programs for prospective foster and prospective adoptive parents, and proceeded to postings on the website of EKKA, which were updated each time, based on the latest data.

Register of Capacity & Availability of beds, of child protection institutions, Attica region

The Department, following a relevant order of the Athens Prosecutor's Office-Juvenile Department, which was issued following the Order (no. 5 / 14.06.2021) of the Supreme Court, started in September 2021, to collect data on the capacity and availability of beds of child protection institutions (6 state institutions and 27 non-governmental institutions), operating in the Attica region.

The Department has prepared a relevant standardized form in, which includes the necessary information on the issues of hosting minors, ie the name of Child Protection Institution, the specific admission requirements such as gender of minors, age and data on capacity in beds, seats already occupied, seats waiting (accommodation has been approved but the child has not been admitted), vacancies available. In this form has been added the recording of numerical data concerning the number of children who have grown up and remain, for reasons of social protection in the structures.

The collection of data was initially done once a week. Then, and taking into account the absence of significant differences in the number of data each week, this procedure is carried out once a month, of course, with the approval of the Prosecutor's Office, to change the frequency.

Coordinating the Minors’ Protection Teams Network (Orestis network)

The Department continues to strengthen and support the Minors’ Protection Teams Network (MPT), which had started as an Operational Coordinating Service for Child Protection Actions in 2012.

Minors’ Protection Teams Network (MPT) are staffed with social workers, investigating allegations of child abuse, and operate in the country's Municipalities through the Orestis Network. Indicatively, the data regarding the range of the MPT network (28/01/2023), are shown in the following graph:


Municipalities with MPTs:  253
MPT members in the Municipalities: 571


More specifically, the Department is responsible for:

  •  cooperating with the Municipalities, so that they become part of the Network
  •  sending informative-scientific material (g. reports of the Children’s Ombudsman, UN reports, legislative texts etc.)
  • Offering orientation, information etc.
  • Compiling and sending catalogues/handbooks with information on public actors and NGOs
  • Record keeping of the MPTs needs and problems
  • Organising Scientific Meetings with the Network’s  Social Workers
  • Participates in seminars/conventions etc. 

 Information and Supportive Services Department

Deputy Head of the Department: Doukakou Maria 


Names of departments and responsibilities are being planned at the moment, as the new Organisation of E.K.K.A., is pending. Since E.K.K.A. has been appointed as the National Coordinator of the European Guarantee for Children, thus implementing the Directive EU 2021/1004 of the Council of Europe (L. 4837/2021(art.53)

Coordination of Professional  Guardians for Unaccompanied Minors Department.

Deputy Head of the Department: Louloudia Goula


Names of departments and responsibilities are being planned at the moment, as the new Organisation of E.K.K.A., is pending. Since E.K.K.A. has been appointed as the National Coordinator of the European Guarantee for Children, thus implementing the Directive EU 2021/1004 of the Council of Europe (L. 4837/2021(art.53)


Head of NCSS Thessaloniki division: Margarita Kelesi


The Thessaloniki division of the NCSS, based on the National Centre of Social Solidarity Organizational Chart (PD 22/2006) coordinates the work of the underlying units, implements the NCSS action plans based on the scheduling and the instructions of the competent Divisions of the Central Unit. It offers immediate advisory support to individuals, couples, families and population groups, information on services, social care programs and welfare rights, offers short-term shelter and covers basic accommodation, food and clothing needs, field intervention in places where there have been complaints of a problem of a social nature, develops cooperation networks with other actors and services handling urgent cases.





 Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative Support: Ekaterini Christidou



The Department of Administrative Support has the following responsibilities (art. 14- PD 22/2006):

  • Monitors the personnel’ s work schedule
  • Grants ordinary and parental leaves to the personnel, according to law
  • Keeps the Service’ s confidential registry
  • Keeps the general Registry of incoming and outcoming mail
  • Handles all mail, electronic or print
  • Authenticates documents, copies and signatures of citizens as well as the branch’ s personnels’
  • Is responsible for registering all the branch’ s equipment, consumable or non-consumable material as well as any piece of property
  • Monitors the incoming of all supplies as well as their disposal to the services
  • Is responsible for the selling or destruction of unusable material in cooperation with the Department of Administration & Finances of the NCSS central unit
  • Is responsible for registering data regarding the Thessaloniki branch’ s Budget
  • Is responsible for the payment of small expenses through the issuance of Payment Orders  



 Head of the Department of Finika CSS: Eleni Papadopoulou


 The Finika Centre of Social Support has the following responsibilities (art. 7- PD 22/2006):

  • Offers secondary access of the vulnerable target groups to the immediate social care system
  • It receives citizens referred by the Helplines, other NCSS services or other Actors, or come themselves to find psychosocial support.
  • Offers advice and social support to those in a psychosocial crisis.
  • Offers information on welfare and social solidarity to persons belonging to vulnerable groups.
  • Operates the special advisory and therapy program for combating domestic violence (Law. 3500/2006).
  • Handles applications for accommodation in the NCSS shelters by NGOs, other organisations or individuals.



Deputy Head of the Department: Theologos Vlahou


  • The Shelter is a first-line defence for women facing immediate and high risk for their safety and sometimes their own life, due to violence and threats, for those who are single or with children, victims of violence (domestic - trafficking), offering them security and support in highly vulnerable periods or in times of crisis, as well as safe accommodation, since they do not have access in financial or social funds and/or a supportive environment.

Services offered:

  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Advice (psychosocial and vocational) and psychosocial advice and support
  • A personalised action plan in cooperation with the victim aiming at a smooth transition to an independent living
  • Referral, Connection, Mediation to services and Actors
  • Cooperation with social, health, judicial authorities etc.
  • Recreational program for babies and toddlers
  • Support and reinforcement of the mothers’ parental role
  • Tutoring and Greek lessons program
  • Cooperation with the area's schools to monitor the students’ progress